\name{for.exercise} \docType{data} \alias{for.exercise} \alias{snps.10} \alias{snp.support} \alias{subject.support} \title{Data for exercise in use of the snpMatrix package} \description{ These data have been created artificially from publicly available datasets. The SNPs have been selected from those genotyped by the International HapMap Project (\url{http://www.hapmap.org}) to represent the typical density found on a whole genome association chip, (the Affymetrix 500K platform, \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/support/technical/sample\_data/500k\_hapmap\_genotype\_data.affx} for a moderately sized chromosome (chromosome 10). A study of 500 cases and 500 controls has been simulated allowing for recombination using beta software from Su and Marchini (\url{http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~marchini/software/gwas/hapgen.html}). Re-sampling of cases was weighted in such a way as to simulate three ``causal'' locus on this chromosome, with multiplicative effects of 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 for each copy of the risk allele. } \usage{data(for.exercise)} \format{ There are three data objects in the dataset: \itemize{ \item{\code{snps.10}}{ An object of class "\code{snp.matrix}" containing a matrix of SNP genotype calls. Rows of the matrix correspond to subjects and columns correspond to SNPs. } \item{\code{snp.support}}{ A conventional R data frame containing information about the SNPs typed (the chromosome position and the nucleotides corresponding to the two alleles of the SNP). } \item{\code{subject.support}}{ A conventional R dataframe containing information about the study subjects. There are two variables; \code{cc} gives case/control status (1=case), and \code{stratum} gives ethnicity. } } } \source{ The data were obtained from the diabetes and inflammation laboratory (see \url{http://www-gene.cimr.cam.ac.uk/todd}) } \references{ \url{http://www-gene.cimr.cam.ac.uk/clayton} } \examples{ data(for.exercise) snps.10 summary(summary(snps.10)) summary(snp.support) summary(subject.support) } \keyword{datasets}