\name{cmdsplot} \alias{cmdsplot} \title{ Classical multi-dimensional scaling plot of charm data. } \description{ Unsupervised clustering of charm data samples by classical multi-dimensional scaling. } \usage{ cmdsplot(labcols, expcol, rawData, p, okqc=1:nrow(p), noXorY=TRUE, outfile="./cmds_topN.pdf", topN=c(100000,1000)) } \arguments{ \item{labcols}{ vector of colors, one for each group being plotted (each unique value of pData(rawData)[,expcol]) } \item{expcol}{ name of the column of pData(rawData) the values of which the points are colored differently by. } \item{rawData}{ the TilingFeatureSet object that p came from. } \item{p}{ the matrix of percentage methylation values (scale: 0, 1) from using methp on rawData. One column per sample } \item{okqc}{ vector of indices identifying which rows of p to use. } \item{noXorY}{ logical value for whether or not (TRUE or FALSE) to ignore probes in chr X and Y? } \item{outfile}{ file argument to pdf() } \item{topN}{ Use only the } } \author{ Martin Aryee , Peter Murakami, Rafael Irizarry } \seealso{ \code{\link{regionPlot}}, \code{\link{dmrFinder}}, \code{\link{dmrFdr}} } \examples{ # See dmrFdr }