\name{clusterMaker} \alias{clusterMaker} \title{ Redefine array regions given chromosomal coordinates. } \description{ Redefine array regions given chromosomal coordinates. } \usage{ clusterMaker(chr,pos,order.it=TRUE,maxGap=300) } \arguments{ \item{chr}{ Vector of chromosome names } \item{pos}{ Vector of positions within chromosomes. } \item{order.it}{ order probes if they are not already ordered. } \item{maxGap}{ maximum allowable gap between probe start positions for probes to be grouped into the same region. } } \details{ Redefine array regions given chromosomal coordinates. } \author{ Martin Aryee , Peter Murakami, Rafael Irizarry } \seealso{ \code{\link{dmrFind}}, \code{\link{plotDMRs}}, \code{\link{plotRegions}} } \examples{ # See qval }