\name{mergeMCRProbes} \alias{mergeMCRProbes} \title{A function that appends probe ids to a data frame containing MCRs} \description{ This function takes a data frame generated by \code{\link{MCR}} and then append probe ids corresponding to each MCR as a column to the data frame. } \usage{ mergeMCRProbes(mcr, rawData) } \arguments{ \item{mcr}{\code{mcr} is a data frame generated by \code{\link{MCR}} that contains MCRs identified and other related data} \item{rawData}{\code{rawData} is a data frame with at least three columns. The first column should be probe ids, second the chromosome number the probes corresponding to, and the thrid the starting or ending chromosomal locations of the probes} } \details{ The \code{mcr} data frame passed must have the first column for chromosome numbers, the 7th column for the starting positions of the MCRs, and the 8th column for the ending positions of the MCRs. } \value{ A data frame with MCRs and the corresponding probe ids and other data. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \note{The function is a contribution of The Center for Applied Cancer Science of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute} \seealso{\code{\link{MCR}}} \examples{ data("segData") cghmcr <- cghMCR(segData, gapAllowed = 500, alteredLow = 0.20, alteredHigh = 0.80, recurrence = 50) mcrs <- MCR(cghmcr) mcrs <- mergeMCRProbes(mcrs, segData[["data"]]) } \keyword{manip}