\name{convertWellCoordinates} \alias{convertWellCoordinates} \title{Converts different well identifiers} \description{ For example, "B02" <-> c("B", "02") <-> 26, "AB32" <-> c("AB", "32") <-> 1328. } \usage{ convertWellCoordinates(x, pdim, type="384") } \arguments{ \item{x}{either: a character vector with alphanumeric well identifiers (e.g. \code{B03} or \code{AB32}); or an \code{nx2} character matrix whose first column contains letters and whose second column contains numbers; or an integer vector with position identifiers for wells within a plate (e.g. 27).} \item{pdim}{a vector of length 2 with names \code{nrow} and \code{ncol} giving the number of rows and columns in a plate. E.g. 'c(nrow=32, ncol=48)' for 1536-well plates.} \item{type}{an alternative way of specifying \code{pdim}. Supported are the values "24" for \code{c(nrow=4, ncol=6)}, "96" for \code{c(nrow= 8, ncol=12)}, "384" for \code{c(nrow=16, ncol=24)} and "1536" for \code{c(nrow=32, ncol=48)}.} } \value{ A list with elements: \code{letnum}, with the alphanumeric well identifiers; \code{let.num}, with the alphanumeric well identifiers giving as a pair c(letter(s), 2-digits); \code{num}, with the integer position of the well within a plate. } \author{Ligia Bras \email{ligia@ebi.ac.uk} and Wolfgang Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ pd <- c("nrow"=8L, "ncol"=12L) # 96-well plate w <- sample(prod(pd), 3L) wpos <- convertWellCoordinates(w, pd) wpos }