\name{buildCellHTS2} \alias{buildCellHTS2} \title{Build a cellHTS2 object from a data frame containing measurements} \description{ Builds a cellHTS2 object from a data frame. } \usage{ buildCellHTS2(xd, measurementNames) } \arguments{ \item{xd}{a data frame containing the columns \code{plate}, \code{replicate} and \code{well}, and the measurement columns. The \code{plate} and \code{replicate} columns must contain integer values, starting from 1. The \code{well} column must contain well names formed by one to two capitals letter followed by two digits, e.g. \code{A12} or \code{AB01}. Letter ordering is as follows: A, B, C,..., Z, AA, AB, AC,..., AZ, BA, BB, ..., ZZ.} \item{measurementNames}{an optional character vector containing the measurement names. If missing, the names of the measurement columns in \code{xd} are used. If \code{NULL}, the measurements are not named.} } \details{ The function uses \code{readPlateList} to build a \code{cellHTS2} object. } \value{ An object of class \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}}, which extends the class \code{\link[Biobase:class.NChannelSet]{NChannelSet}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{readPlateList}}. } \author{ Gregoire Pau \email{gregoire.pau@embl.de} } \references{ Boutros, M., Bras, L.P. and Huber, W. (2006) Analysis of cell-based RNAi screens, \emph{Genome Biology} \bold{7}, R66. } \examples{ wells = sprintf("\%s\%02d", rep(LETTERS[1:8], each=12), 1:12) xd = expand.grid(plate=1:3, replicate=1:2, well=wells) xd$cell.number = rnorm(nrow(xd)) xd$cell.size = rnorm(nrow(xd)) x = buildCellHTS2(xd) }