\name{wellDataFrame} \alias{wellDataFrame} \title{Create a well data frame} \usage{ wellDataFrame(plateLayoutFile, machineRunFile) } \arguments{ \item{plateLayoutFile}{a file containing the plate layout. The file must contain a column named \code{plate} and a column named \code{well}} \item{machineRunFile}{a file containing the machine runs The file must contain columns named \code{directory}, \code{filename} and \code{plate} specifying the directory and filename of the data for the corresponding run. The column \code{use} is optional. If present, only rows with \code{use == TRUE} are put into the dataframe.} } \value{ an object of class well and data.frame } \description{ Load a plate layout file and a file specifying the machine runs } \details{ See the provided example files for the layout and machine run file formats. } \examples{ plateLayout <- system.file("extdata", "plateLayout.txt", package="cellGrowth") machineRun <- system.file("extdata", "machineRun.txt", package="cellGrowth") well <- wellDataFrame(plateLayout,machineRun) plot(well,plate=1) } \author{ Andreas Neudecker }