\name{readGenios} \alias{readGenios} \title{Read Tecan Genios data files} \usage{ readGenios(file) } \arguments{ \item{file}{filename} } \value{ a list with entries: \item{time }{ a \code{numeric} vector of time points} \item{OD }{a \code{data.frame} vector of measured OD. The colnames are the well names.} \item{read }{a \code{numeric} vector of read numbers} \item{temperature }{a \code{numeric} vector of temperatures} \item{header}{a \code{character} vector: the header of the file } } \description{ Read raw data file form Tecan Genios instrument } \examples{ # Get file names # Parse file dat = readGenios( system.file("extdata", "tecan_genios.txt", package="cellGrowth") ) # fit n <- names( dat$OD)[36] fit <- fitCellGrowth(x=dat$time,z=log2(dat$OD[[n]]), model = "locfit",locfit.h=6*60*60) plot(fit) } \author{ Julien Gagneur } \seealso{ \code{\link{readYeastGrower}} }