\name{plot.well} \alias{plot.well} \title{Generic plot function for datatype well} \usage{ plot.well(x, file = NULL, labelColumn = NULL, calibration = identity, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the well object} \item{file}{which plate file to plot? If NULL (default) the first file is taken.} \item{labelColumn}{column in the well object to take label for the wells from} \item{calibration}{\code{function} or \code{list} of \code{functions}. If calibration is a function it is applied to all raw data. If it is a list, the well dataframe must contain a column named \code{machine}. Depending on that column the according function in the list is applied to the raw data.} \item{...}{optional plot parameters, see details} } \description{ Plots well plate as lattice xyplot. } \details{ This function calls \code{\link{plotPlate}} for the plate \code{plate}. The ... parameter is passed to the \code{\link{plotPlate}} function. } \author{ Andreas Neudecker }