\name{plot.cellGrowthFit} \alias{plot.cellGrowthFit} \title{Generic plot function for datatype cellGrowthFit} \usage{ plot.cellGrowthFit(x, scaleX = 1, xlab = "time", ylab = "log2(OD)", lwd = 0.5, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{growth curve object. See \code{\link{fitCellGrowth}}} \item{scaleX}{scalar affecting the scaling of the x-axis.} \item{xlab}{plot parameter} \item{ylab}{plot parameter} \item{lwd}{plot parameter} \item{...}{optional plot parameters passed to the plot function} } \description{ Plot of a growth curve showing raw data and fitted curve } \examples{ # Parse file dat = readYeastGrower( system.file("extdata", "Plate1_YPFruc.txt", package="cellGrowth") ) # fit n <- names( dat$OD)[36] fit <- fitCellGrowth(x=dat$time,z=log2(dat$OD[[n]]), model = "locfit") plot(fit) } \author{ Andreas Neudecker }