\name{guessCellGrowthParams} \alias{guessCellGrowthParams} \title{Guess growth models parameters} \usage{ guessCellGrowthParams(x, z, relative.height.at.lag = 0.1) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{numeric} vector: time points} \item{z}{code{numeric} vector: log(OD)} \item{relative.height.at.lag}{\code{numeric} scalar (see Details)} } \value{ A list with entries: \item{mu}{ \code{numeric} scalar: maximal growth rate parameter} \item{l}{ \code{numeric} scalar: time lag parameter} \item{z0}{\code{numeric} scalar: minimal log(OD) parameter } \item{zmax}{ \code{numeric} scalar: maximal log(OD) parameter } } \description{ Guess initial parameters values for growth models } \details{ The relative.height.at.lag parameter should be close to the relative height of the point, where the curve reaches its maximal slope. If the fitting fails, try to set this parameter to a different value. } \examples{ x <- 1:1000 z <- gompertz(x, mu=0.01, l=200, z0=1, zmax=5)+rnorm(length(x),mean=0,sd=0.25) guess <- guessCellGrowthParams(x,z,relative.height.at.lag=0.5) fit <- nls(z~gompertz(x,mu,l,z0,zmax),start=guess) plot(x,z) lines(x,predict(fit,x),lwd=2,col="red") } \author{ Julien Gagneur }