\name{minNodes} \alias{minNodes} \alias{minNodes,CytoscapeWindowClass,numeric-method} \title{ Delete nodes with less than a certain number of genes annotated } \description{ Deletes from the graph those annotations with less than a certain number of genes } \usage{ minNodes(cwObj, cutoff) } \arguments{ \item{cwObj}{ a \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} object returned from \code{ccOutCyt}} \item{cutoff}{ the minimum number of genes that an annotation must have} } \author{ Robert M Flight } \seealso{ \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} \code{\link{ccOutCyt}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ hasCy <- (if (.Platform$OS.type \%in\% "windows") { (length(grep("Cytoscape", system("tasklist", intern=TRUE))) > 0)}) if hasCy { data(ccData) ccResults$BP <- breakEdges(ccResults$BP, 0.8) cwObj <- ccOutCyt(ccResults$BP,ccOpts) minNodes(cwObj, 5) }}}