\name{mergeLists-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{mergeLists-methods} \alias{mergeLists} \alias{mergeLists,ccGeneList,ccOptions-method} \title{ Function \code{mergeLists} in Package \pkg{categoryCompare}} \description{ Merges the gene lists or the data tables from a \code{ccGeneList} object, providing a single table with all the input data, that can then be queried later, using \code{cytTableOut} } \usage{ mergeLists(ccGeneList,ccOptions,isGene=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{ccGeneList}{a \code{ccGeneList} object} \item{ccOptions}{a \code{ccOptions} object} \item{isGene}{are the identifiers genes, or something else (metabolites, etc)} } \value{ A \code{mergedData} object which is really just a glorified data frame. If the \code{ccGeneList} input had a \code{data} list, then these are all merged into a single table. Otherwise, it contains just the gene names and which list they were present in. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(ccGeneList = "ccGeneList", ccOptions = "ccOptions")}}{ %% describe this method here } }} \seealso{ \code{\link{ccGeneList}} \code{\link{ccOptions}} \code{\linkS4class{mergedData}} } \examples{ data(ccData) g10 <- (unique(table10$Entrez[1:100])) g48 <- (unique(table48$Entrez[1:100])) list10 <- list(genes=g10, universe=gUniverse, annotation="org.Hs.eg.db", data=table10[1:100,]) list48 <- list(genes=g48, universe=gUniverse, annotation="org.Hs.eg.db", data=table48[1:100,]) geneLists <- list(T10=list10, T48=list48) geneLists <- new("ccGeneList", geneLists, ccType=c("BP","KEGG")) ccOpts <- new("ccOptions", listNames = names(geneLists)) mergedDat <- mergeLists(geneLists,ccOpts) list10 <- list(genes=g10, universe=gUniverse, annotation="org.Hs.eg.db") list48 <- list(genes=g48, universe=gUniverse, annotation="org.Hs.eg.db") geneLists <- list(T10=list10, T48=list48) geneLists <- new("ccGeneList", geneLists, ccType=c("BP","KEGG")) ccOpts <- new("ccOptions", listNames = names(geneLists)) mergedDat <- mergeLists(geneLists,ccOpts) } \keyword{methods}