\name{getGeneSymbol} \alias{getGeneSymbol} \alias{getGeneName} \alias{getGO2ALLEGS} \alias{getPATH2EG} \alias{getAnnotation} \title{ Entrez to name, symbol, GO and path conversion, as well as general ID to ID conversion. } \description{ Get different attributes for the Entrez gene Ids } \usage{ getGeneSymbol(id, annPackage) getGeneName(id, annPackage) getGO2ALLEGS(id, annPackage) getPATH2EG(id, annPackage) getAnnotation(id, annPackage, mapID, doUnlist=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{id}{The IDs one wants to get information for. } \item{annPackage}{ Which annotation package to use. } \item{mapID}{Which mapping to use} \item{doUnlist}{should the results be unlisted or not?} } \details{ The type of ID will change depending on the function. For \code{getGene...} the ID should be Entrez IDs. For \code{getGO2ALLEGS} Gene Ontology IDs should be used, and for \code{getPATH2EG} KEGG pathways IDs should be used. For \code{getAnnotation}, any ID can be used. } \value{ Returns the requested information. } \author{ Robert M Flight } \note{ These functions are generally called internally for mapping between genes and various objects. }