\name{fdr} \alias{fdr} \alias{fdr<-} \title{ Number of FDR runs to perform } \description{ Queries or sets the number of random runs to perform to generate an estimate of the false discovery rate. Defaults to 50 } \usage{ fdr(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ Can be \code{ccGeneList}, \code{HyperGParamsCC}, \code{HyperGResultCC}, \code{ccEnrichResult} See Details for more information.} } \details{ \code{fdr(object)} gets the number of \code{fdr} runs for \code{ccGeneList}, \code{HyperGParamsCC}, \code{HyperGResultCC}, \code{ccEnrichResult} \code{fdr(object)<-} will set the number of \code{fdr} runs to be used by \code{ccEnrich} and \code{HyperGTestCC} when performing calculations on either a \code{ccGeneList} or \code{HyperGParamsCC}, respectively } \author{ Robert M Flight } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{HyperGResultCC}} \code{\linkS4class{ccEnrichResult}} \code{\link{ccGeneList}} \code{\link{HyperGParamsCC}} }