\name{cytOutNodes-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{cytOutNodes} \alias{cytOutNodes-methods} \alias{cytOutNodes,character,CytoscapeWindowClass,list-method} \alias{cytOutNodes,character,CytoscapeWindowClass,missing-method} \title{ Methods for Function \code{cytOutNodes} } \description{ Allows export of currently selected nodes in the Cytoscape window for data export } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(descStr = "character", cwObj = "CytoscapeWindowClass", saveObj = "list")}}{ \code{descStr} is a string describing the nodes that are currently selected, \code{cwObj} is the \code{CytoscapeWindow} that the nodes are in, and then \code{saveObj} is a previously generated \code{cytOutNodes} list, and is optional. } }} \examples{ \dontrun{ hasCy <- (if (.Platform$OS.type \%in\% "windows") { (length(grep("Cytoscape", system("tasklist", intern=TRUE))) > 0)}) if hasCy { ccResults$BP <- breakEdges(ccResults$BP, 0.8) cwObj <- ccOutCyt(ccResults$BP,ccOpts) # user selects some nodes in Cytoscape RCytoscape::selectNodes(cwObj, c("GO:0007017", "GO:0000226", "GO:0007051", "GO:0007052")) savedNodes <- cytOutNodes("random1", cwObj) # save them # and selects some other nodes RCytoscape::selectNodes(cwObj, c("GO:0071103", "GO:0034728", "GO:0006323", "GO:0030261", "GO:0006334"), preserve.current.selection=FALSE) savedNodes <- cytOutNodes("random2", cwObj, savedNodes) } } } \keyword{methods} \keyword{ other possible keyword(s) }