\name{ccOutCyt-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{ccOutCyt-methods} \alias{ccOutCyt} \alias{ccOutCyt,ccCompareResult,ccOptions-method} \title{ Methods for Function \code{ccOutCyt} in Package \pkg{categoryCompare} } \description{ Passes a \code{ccCompareResult} object to \code{Cytoscape} for interactive visualization of \code{ccCompare} results. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(ccCompRes = "ccCompareResult", ccOpts = "ccOptions", ...)}}{ At a minimum, this method requires a \code{ccCompareResult} and a \code{ccOptions} to work. } ... may include: \item{layout = "character"}{to override the default layout set by \code{ccCompare}, as well as options} \item{postText = "character"}{to add a user set string to the Cytoscape window} In addition, any of the arguments to \code{CytoscapeWindow} may also be set, such as \code{host} or \code{port}. } } \details{ Note that only some basic, required methods have been imported from \code{RCytoscape} for use with \code{categoryCompare}, and these are hidden in the functions within \code{categoryCompare} and are not visible to the user. If access to all the functionality of \code{RCytoscape} is desired (and trust me, there is a lot of useful stuff in there), then the user should use \code{library(RCytoscape)} directly. } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{ccCompareResult}} \code{\linkS4class{ccOptions}} \code{\link{ccCompare}} \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} } \examples{ \dontrun{ hasCy <- (if (.Platform$OS.type \%in\% "windows") { (length(grep("Cytoscape", system("tasklist", intern=TRUE))) > 0)}) if hasCy { ccResults$BP <- breakEdges(ccResults$BP, 0.8) cwObj <- ccOutCyt(ccResults$BP,ccOpts) Sys.sleep(10) RCytoscape::deleteWindow(cwObj) } }} \keyword{methods}