\name{ccGeneList-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{ccGeneList-class} \alias{ccGeneList} \alias{listNames,ccGeneList-method} \alias{fdr,ccGeneList-method} \alias{fdr<-,ccGeneList-method} \alias{pvalueCutoff,ccGeneList-method} \alias{pvalueCutoff<-,ccGeneList-method} \alias{ccType,ccGeneList-method} \alias{ccType<-,ccGeneList-method} \alias{testDirection,ccGeneList-method} \alias{ccType} \alias{ccType<-} \title{Class "ccGeneList"} \description{ This stores the actual gene lists and related information that will be used in categoryCompare. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("ccGeneList", list))}. \code{ccGeneList} is actually just an extension of R list objects. The input \code{list} should be a list of lists. See \code{Details} for more information.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{fdr}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} The number of \code{fdr} runs to perform to account for different list sizes and term dependence } \item{\code{pvalueCutoff}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} Value used to determine whether or not a particular term is significant or not } \item{\code{ccType}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} What types of annotations to use. Currently supported ones include "BP", "MF", "CC" (from Gene Ontology) and "KEGG" } \item{\code{testDirection}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} Are you interested in "over" or "under" represented annotations } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{fdr}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: how many random runs to perform } \item{fdr<-}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: change the number of random runs } \item{pvalueCutoff}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: what is the pvalue to consider significant } \item{pvalueCutoff<-}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: change the cutoff for significance } \item{ccType}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: what type of annotations are going to be examined } \item{ccType<-}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: change the type of annotations to examine } \item{testDirection}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: query for "over" or "under" represented annotations } \item{testDirection<-}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: change the type of representation ("over" or "under") } \item{listNames}{\code{signature(object = "ccGeneList")}: what are the names of the lists contained } } } \section{Details}{ The input list should be a list of lists, with at least three sub-lists. \code{testList <- list(list1=list(genes='...',universe='...',annotation='...'), list2=list(...))} \describe{ \item{genes}{: These are the gene identifiers of the genes that are of interest (differentially expressed genes)} \item{universe}{: All of the genes that were measured in this particular experiments (i.e. all the genes on the chip)} \item{annotation}{: What organism or chip do these ID's come from (e.g. "org.Hs.eg.db" for Human Entrez gene ID's, "hgu133a.db" for probe ID's from the Affymetrix U133A chip)} \item{data}{: A data-frame that contains extra information about the genes of interest. At the very least, the data-frame must have a column \code{ID} that matches the ID's contained in \code{genes}} } What actually happens when running \code{ccEnrich} is that the appropriate \code{HyperGParamsCC} objects are generated for each geneList and each type of annotation (e.g. BP, CC, KEGG), and then the calculations performed on each one. } \author{ Robert M Flight } \note{ The \code{ccGeneList} object is what will undergo all of the enrichment calculations. When the results are combined with the \code{\link{ccOptions}} object, we can get our results of actual comparisons between experiments. } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{ccOptions}} } \examples{ data(ccData) g10 <- (unique(table10$Entrez[1:100])) g48 <- (unique(table48$Entrez[1:100])) list10 <- list(genes=g10, universe=gUniverse, annotation="org.Hs.eg.db") list48 <- list(genes=g48, universe=gUniverse, annotation="org.Hs.eg.db") geneLists <- list(T10=list10, T48=list48) geneLists <- new("ccGeneList", geneLists, ccType=c("BP","KEGG")) geneLists } \keyword{classes}