\name{sim} \docType{data} \alias{sim} \title{Simulated expression data for mRNAs and miRNAs.} \description{ This data set contains simulated expression values of miRNAs and mRNAs, together with the associated TF- and miRNA-target networks. } \usage{sim} \format{A list containing the entries dat.mRNA (mRNA expression), dat.miRNA (miRNA expression), miRNAstates (activity states of miRNAs), TFstates (activity states of TFs, TRANSFAC), genesetsmiRNA (miRNA-target graph, targetScan), genesetsTFs (TF-taget graph).} \source{Simulation (see reference for details).} \references{ B. Zacher, K. Abnaof, S. Gade, E. Younesi, A. Tresch, and H. Frohlich. Joint Bayesian Inference of Condition Specific miRNA and Transcription Factor Activities from Combined Gene and microRNA Expression Data. \emph{submitted}, 2012. } \keyword{datasets}