\name{limmaAnalysis} \alias{limmaAnalysis} \title{ Perform a limma analysis on expression data. } \description{ Needed for the parameterization of the model as well as the Fisher (pre-)test. } \usage{ limmaAnalysis(dat, design, contrasts) } \arguments{ \item{dat}{A matrix or ExpressionSet containing the expression values.} \item{design}{A design matrix.} \item{contrasts}{Contrast for the linear model.} } \value{ Returns a list containing the following entries: \item{pvalue.tab}{Containing the result of the topTable function from limma.} \item{lm.fit}{Linear fit to the model.} \item{design}{The design used.} \item{contrast}{The contrasts used.} } \references{ G. K. Smyth. Limma : Linear Models for Microarray Data. \emph{Bioinformatics}, (2005):397-420. } \author{ Benedikt Zacher (zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de), Holger Frohlich } \seealso{\code{\link[limma]{lmFit}}, \code{\link[limma]{topTable}}} \examples{ data(humanSim) design = model.matrix(~0+factor(c(rep("control", 5), rep("treated", 5)))) colnames(design) = c("control", "treated") contrasts = "treated - control" limmamRNA = limmaAnalysis(sim$dat.mRNA, design, contrasts) } \keyword{manip}