\name{get_potential_swaps} \alias{get_potential_swaps} \title{ Calculate swap partner for TF-/miRNA-target graph. } \description{ Calculates for TF-/miRNA-target graph all potential swap partner. } \usage{ get_potential_swaps(genesetsTF=NULL, genesetsmiRNA=NULL, perc.overlap.cutoff = 0.8, integer.id=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{genesetsTF}{Each entry corresponds to a TF and contains its target genes.} \item{genesetsmiRNA}{Each entry corresponds to a miRNA and contains its target genes.} \item{perc.overlap.cutoff}{Percentage cutoff of minimal overlap between two miRNAs or TFs to be possible swap partner.} \item{integer.id}{If TRUE, the swap partner are not outputted as characters, but as integer indices.} \item{verbose}{print process or not.} } \value{ The function returns a list, with the following entries: \item{T_potential_swaps}{Contains for each TF all potential swap partner.} \item{S_potential_swaps}{Contains for each miRNA all potential swap partner.} } \author{ Benedikt Zacher (zacher@lmb.uni-muenchen.de) } \examples{ genesetsTF = list("V$1"=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), "V$2"=c("A", "B", "C", "D"), "V$3"=c("A", "B", "C")) genesetsmiRNA =list("miR-1"=c("C", "E", "D", "G", "H"), "miR-2"=c("C", "E", "D", "G"), "miR-3"=c("C", "E")) get_potential_swaps(genesetsTF, genesetsmiRNA, integer.id=FALSE, perc.overlap.cutoff=0.7) } \keyword{manip}