\name{TFexpr} \docType{data} \alias{TFexpr} \title{Transcription factor expression values for the aerobic-anaerobic growth experiment.} \description{ This data set gives expression values for the 160 TF of the TF-target graph EColiNetwork used in the vignette. } \usage{TFexpr} \format{ExpressionSet. Rownames in the assayData correspond to entries in TF-target graph.} \source{See EColiOxygen and EColiNetwork (see reference for details).} \references{ M. W. Covert, E. M. Knight, J. L. Reed, M. J. Herrgard, and B. O. Palsson. Integrating high- throughput and computational data elucidates bacterial networks. \emph{Nature}, 429(6987):92-96, May 2004. } \keyword{datasets}