\name{getBMlist} \alias{getBMlist} \title{Retrieves information from the BioMart database} \description{This function is the main biomaRt query function. Given a set of filters and corresponding values, it retrieves the user specified attributes from the BioMart database one is connected to} \usage{getBMlist(attributes, filters = "", values = "", mart, list.names = NULL, na.value = NA, verbose = FALSE, giveWarning = TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{attributes}{Attributes you want to retrieve. A possible list of attributes can be retrieved using the function listAttributes.} \item{filters}{Filters (one or more) that should be used in the query. A possible list of filters can be retrieved using the function listFilters.} \item{values}{Values of the filter, e.g. vector of affy IDs. If multiple filters are specified then the argument should be a list of vectors of which the position of each vector corresponds to the position of the filters in the filters argument.} \item{mart}{object of class Mart, created with the useMart function.} \item{list.names}{names for objects in list} \item{na.value}{value to give when result is empty} \item{verbose}{When using biomaRt in webservice mode and setting verbose to TRUE, the XML query to the webservice will be printed.} \item{giveWarning}{Gives a warning about best practices of biomaRt and recommends using getBM instead of getBMlist} } \author{Steffen Durinck} \examples{ if(interactive()){ mart <- useMart("ensembl") datasets <- listDatasets(mart) } } \keyword{methods}