\name{getSubTerms} \alias{getSubTerms} \title{Retrieve a term and its children from a vocab DAG} \description{ Given a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) represented as a \code{graphNEL} instance, return a character vector consisting of the specified \code{term} and all of its descendants. That is, give the list of terms for which a path exists starting at \code{term}. } \usage{ getSubTerms(dag, term) } \arguments{ \item{dag}{A \code{graphNEL} representing a DAG} \item{term}{A string giving a term in the vocabulary (a node in \code{dag})} } \value{ A character vector of term names. } \author{S. Falcon} \examples{ data(biocViewsVocab) getSubTerms(biocViewsVocab, "Software") } \keyword{utilities}