\name{cor.dist} \alias{cor.dist} \alias{cor.dist,matrix-method} \alias{cor.dist,eSet-method} \title{Pearson correlational distance} \description{ Calculate pairwise Pearson correlational distances, i.e. 1-COR or 1-|COR|, and saves as a 'dist' object } \usage{ cor.dist(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{n by p matrix or ExpressionSet; if x is an ExpressionSet, then the function uses its 'exprs' slot.} \item{\dots}{arguments passed to \code{cor.dist}: \itemize{ \item{abs}{if TRUE, then 1-|COR| else 1-COR, default is TRUE.} \item{diag}{if TRUE, then the diagonal of the distance matrix will be displayed, default is FALSE.} \item{upper}{if TRUE, then the upper triangle of the distance matrix will be displayed, default is FALSE.} \item{sample}{for objects of classes that extend eSet: if TRUE, then distances are computed between samples(columns) , otherwise, they are computed between features(rows).} } } } \details{ The \code{cor} function is used to compute the pairwise distances between rows of an input matrix, except if the input is an object of a class that extends eSet and \code{sample} is \code{TRUE}. } \value{ Pairwise Pearson correlational distance object } \author{Beiying Ding} \seealso{\code{\link{spearman.dist}}, \code{\link{tau.dist}},\code{\link{euc}}, \code{\link{man}}, \code{\link{KLdist.matrix}}, \code{\link{KLD.matrix}}, \code{\link{mutualInfo}}} \examples{ x <- matrix(rnorm(200), nrow = 5) cor.dist(x) }