\name{segmentate} \alias{segmentate} \title{Segmentation for SnpSetIllumina objects} \description{ Use snapCGH package to perform segmentation } \usage{ segmentate(object, method = c("DNACopy", "HMM", "BioHMM", "GLAD"), normalizedTo = 2, doLog = TRUE, doMerge = FALSE, useLair = FALSE, subsample = "OPA", alpha = 0.01) } \arguments{ \item{object}{class \code{SnpSetIllumina}} \item{method}{char, type of segmentation} \item{normalizedTo}{numeric} \item{doLog}{logical, perform transformation before segmentation, see \code{convert2seglist}} \item{doMerge}{logical, perform merging of close states} \item{useLair}{logical, Also segmentate on lair} \item{subsample}{factor} \item{alpha}{numeric, probability threshold to distinguish segments} } \value{ SnpSetIllumina object with elements \code{observed, states and predicted} set in the \code{AssayData} slot } \author{Jan Oosting} \keyword{manip}