\name{createCNSummary} \alias{createCNSummary} \title{ Summarization of Copy number states } \description{ Create a summary object of the genomic copy number states in a sample of segmented data } \usage{ createCNSummary(object, sample, dnaIndex=1, subsample = "OPA") } \arguments{ \item{object}{ SNPSetIllumina object after segmentation \code{\link{segmentate}} } \item{sample}{ SampleName or index of the sample for which to create the summary} \item{dnaIndex}{ Measured DNA index of the sample} \item{subsample}{ factor or column name in \code{featureData} slot } } \details{ The segments within a sample are assigned a copy number value. When the \code{inferred} slot in \code{assayData} is empty, all segments will be set to 2. Otherwise the values are recovered from the \code{inferred} slot. Gender is taken into account for the sex chromosomes. } \value{ list with the following elements \item{dnaIndex }{same as parameter dnaIndex} \item{CN.total.nrm}{Total expected copynumber for a 'normal' specimen ~ 2*featurecount} \item{states}{data.frame with columns \code{opa, count ,intensity, copynumber}} This list can be used as the \code{cn.sum} argument for \code{plotGoldenGate4OPA, alterCN, getDNAindex} and \code{setRealCN} } \author{ Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{segmentate}, \link{alterCN}, \link{plotGoldenGate4OPA} } } \keyword{manip}