\name{backgroundEstimate} \alias{backgroundEstimate} \concept{SnpSetIllumina} \title{Estimate background intensities from foreground intensity} \description{ Background intensity from Illumina Golden Gate bead arrays are estimated based on several data models } \usage{ backgroundEstimate(object,method=c("minimum", "mode","intmin", "anglemode"), maxmode=3000, bincount=40, maxangle=0.3, subsample="OPA") } \arguments{ \item{object}{SnpSetIllumina object} \item{method}{chracter, data model to use} \item{maxmode}{numeric, maximum intensity for mode for \code{method="mode"}} \item{bincount}{numeric, for \code{method="intmin"} , see details} \item{maxangle}{numeric in radians, maximum theta for mode for \code{method="anglemode"} } \item{subsample}{factor or column name in \code{featureData} slot} } \details{ The Illumina software does not provide background values in the output. Some models can be used to estimate background from the raw data intensities.\cr \code{minimum}: The allele specific minimum intensity is used.\cr \code{mode}: This model assumes that the first mode of the density of the intensities is determined by the zero-allele in the data, see ref. The signal intensity of the zero-allele should be zero, therefore this is considered the background value.\cr \code{intmin}: This model assumes there is crosstalk between the alleles, and background increases with the intensity of the other allele. The range between 0 and the maximum of the other allele is divided in \code{bincount} bins, and the minimum for this allele is determined for probes where the other allele falls in a bin. A linear fit is determined though the minimum values to obtain a gradually increasing value.\cr \code{anglemode}: This model finds the density modes closest to 0 and \eqn{\frac{\pi}{2}} for polar transformed intensities, and uses this to determine background. } \value{ This function returns an \code{SnpSetIllumina} object. The \code{Rb} and \code{Gb} matrices in the \code{assayData} slot contain estimated background values. } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{SnpSetIllumina-class}}, \code{\link{backgroundCorrect.SNP}} } \keyword{manip}