\name{plotMA.CD} \alias{plotMA.CD} \title{ 'MA'-plot for count data. } \description{ This function creates an MA-plot from two sets of samples. For those data where the log-ratio is infinite (because in one set of sample data all observed counts are zero), we plot instead the log-values of the other group. } \usage{ plotMA.CD(cD, samplesA, samplesB, normaliseData = TRUE, scale = NULL, xlab = "A", ylab = "M", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cD}{ A \code{\link{countData}} object. } \item{samplesA}{ Either a character vector, identifying sample set A by either replicate name or sample name, or a numerical vector giving the columns of data in the \code{'countData'} object that forms sample set A. See Details. } \item{samplesB}{ Either a character vector, identifying sample set B by either replicate name or sample name, or a numerical vector giving the columns of data in the \code{'countData'} object that forms sample set B. See Details. } \item{normaliseData}{Should the data be normalised by library size before computing log-ratios? Defaults to TRUE.} \item{scale}{If given, defines the scale on which the log-ratios will be plotted. Defaults to NULL, implying that the scale will be calculated by the function.} \item{xlab}{Label for the X-axis. Defaults to "A".} \item{ylab}{Label for the Y-axis. Defaults to "M".} \item{\dots}{ Any other parameters to be passed to the \code{\link{plot}} function. } } \details{ The samples sets can be identified either by a numeric vector which specifies the columns of data from the \code{countData} object 'cD', or by a character vector. If a character vector is used, the members of the character vector will first be searched for in the \code{@replicates} slot of the 'cD' object. Any members of the vector not found in the replicates slot, will be searched for in the column names of the \code{@data} slot of the 'cD' object. Different classes of vector can be used for 'samplesA' and 'samplesB', as shown in the example below. } \value{ Plotting function. } \author{ Thomas J. Hardcastle } \seealso{ \code{\link{countData}} } \examples{ data(simData) replicates <- c("simA", "simA", "simA", "simA", "simA", "simB", "simB", "simB", "simB", "simB") groups <- list(NDE = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1), DE = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2)) CD <- new("countData", data = simData, replicates = replicates, groups = groups) #estimate library sizes for countData object CD@libsizes <- getLibsizes(CD) #MA-plot comparing replicate groups plotMA.CD(CD, samplesA = "simA", samplesB = 6:10) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplots}