\name{mobData} \docType{data} \alias{mobData} \title{Data from a set of small RNA sequencing experiments carried out on grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.} \description{This data set is a matrix (`mobData') of counts acquired for three thousand small RNA loci from a set of Arabidopsis grafting experiments. Three different biological conditions exist within these data; one in which a Dicer 2,3,4 triple mutant shoot is grafted onto a Dicer 2,3,4 triple mutant root (SL236 and SL260), one in which a wild-type shoot is grafted onto a wild-type root (SL239 and SL240), and one in which a wild-type shoot is grafted onto a Dicer 2,3,4 triple mutant root (SL237 and SL238). Dicer 2,3,4 is required for the production of 22nt and 24nt small RNAs, as well as some 21nt ones. Consequently, if we detect differentially expressed sRNA loci in the root stock of the grafts, we can make inferences about the mobility of small RNAs. The annotation of the loci from which these data derive is in data file `mobAnnotation'. } \usage{mobData} \format{A matrix of which each of the six columns represents a sample, and each row an sRNA locus (acquired by sequencing).} \source{Illumina sequencing.} \seealso{\code{\link{mobAnnotation}}} \references{Molnar A. and Melnyk C.W. et al. Small silencing RNAs in plants are mobile and direct epigenetic modification in recipient cells. Science (2010)} \keyword{datasets}