\name{calcInform} \alias{calcInform} \title{ Function calculates the informativeness metric (average MSS) for a set of cluster assignments. } \description{ Function calculates the informativeness metric (average MSS) for a set of cluster assignments. } \usage{ calcInform(exprs.dat, cl, class.vector) } \arguments{ \item{exprs.dat}{ a \code{matrix} of gene expression values. } \item{cl}{ a \code{vector} of cluster assignments. } \item{class.vector}{ a \code{vector} specifying the group membership of the samples. } } \details{ This function is also called internally by \code{findSynexprs}. } \value{ A numeric value representing the average MSS value (informativeness metric) for a set of cluster assignments. For an informative cluster, the RSS values should be very small relative to those produced by the informativeness metric (the MSS values). } \author{ Jessica Mar } \references{ Mar, J., C. Wells, and J. Quackenbush, Defining an Informativeness Metric for Clustering Gene Expression Data. to appear, 2010. } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(cluster) data(subset.loring.eset) clustObj <- agnes(as.dist(1-t(cor(exprs(subset.loring.eset))))) cinform.vals <- NULL for( i in 1:10 ){ cinform.vals <- c(cinform.vals, calcInform(exprs(subset.loring.eset), cutree(clustObj,i), pData(subset.loring.eset)$celltype)) } k <- (1:10)[cinform.vals==max(cinform.vals)] # gives the optimal number of clusters } } \keyword{methods}