\name{buildKeggIncidenceMatrix} \alias{buildKeggIncidenceMatrix} \title{ Internal function - buildings the KEGG incidence matrix requird by GSEAlm. } \description{ Internal function - buildings the KEGG incidence matrix requird by GSEAlm. } \usage{ buildKeggIncidenceMatrix(kegg.ids, gene.ids, annotation) } \arguments{ \item{kegg.ids}{ character vector of KEGG pathway ids. } \item{gene.ids}{ character vector of gene ids. } \item{annotation}{ character string that denotes which annotation package to be used, eg. illuminaHumanv1.db. } } \details{ This function is called internally by \code{findAttractors}. } \value{ A matrix object with 0 and 1 entries where 1 denotes membership of a gene in a KEGG pathway, 0 denotes non-membership. } \references{ Kanehisa, M. and S. Goto, KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. . Nucleic Acids Res., 2000. 28: p. 27-30. } \author{ Jessica Mar } \examples{ \dontrun{ # this takes a long time! library(illuminaHumanv2.db) kegg.ids <- ls(illuminaHumanv2PATH2PROBE) gene.ids <- ls(illuminaHumanv2PATH) imat <- buildKeggIncidence(kegg.ids, gene.ids, illuminaHumanv2.db) } } \keyword{internal}