\name{AttractorModuleSet-class} \docType{class} \alias{AttractorModuleSet} \alias{AttractorModuleSet-class} \title{Class AttractorModuleSet } \description{ This is a class representation for storing the output of the \code{findAttractors} function. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are output by the function \code{\link{findAttractors}}. Objects can also be created by using \code{new("AttractorModuleSet", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{eSet}:}{ ExpressionSet which primarily stores the expression data and the phenotype/sample data sets. } \item{\code{cellTypeTag}:}{ character string of the tag which stores the group membership information for the samples. Must be a column name of the data frame pData(eset). } \item{\code{incidenceMatrix}:}{ incidence matrix used as input to GSEAlm. } \item{\code{rankedPathways}:}{ Data frame of significantly enriched pathways, ranked first by significance and then by size. } } } \section{Methods}{ No methods have yet been defined with class "AttractorModuleSet" in the signature. } \author{ Jessica Mar \email{jess@jimmy.harvard.edu} } \examples{ \dontrun{ new.attractmodule <- new("AttractorModuleSet", eSet=new("ExpressionSet"), cellTypeTag=character(1), incidenceMatrix=matrix(0), rankedPathways=data.frame()) } } \note{ This class is better describe in the vignette. } \keyword{classes}