\name{outliers} \alias{outliers} \alias{boxplotOutliers} \title{Helper functions for outlier detection and reporting in arrayQualityMetrics} \description{ For an overview of outlier detection, please see the corresponding section in the vignette \emph{Advanced topics: Customizing arrayQualityMetrics reports and programmatic processing of the output}. These two functions are helper functions used by the different report generating functions, such as \code{\link{aqm.boxplot}}. } \usage{ outliers(exprs, method = c("KS", "sum", "upperquartile")) boxplotOutliers(x, coef = 1.5) } \arguments{ \item{exprs}{A matrix whose columns correspond to arrays, rows to the array features.} \item{method}{A character string specifying the summary statistic to be used for each column of \code{exprs}. See Details.} \item{x}{A vector of real numbers.} \item{coef}{A number is called an outlier if it is larger than the upper hinge plus \code{coef} times the interquartile range. Upper hinge and interquartile range are computed by \code{\link[stats:fivenum]{fivenum}}.} } \value{For \code{outliers}, an object of class \code{\link{outlierDetection}}. For \code{boxplotOutliers}, a list with two elements: \code{thresh}, the threshold against which \code{x} was compared, and \code{outliers}, an integer vector of indices. } \details{ \code{outliers}: with argument \code{method="KS"}, the function first computes for each column of \code{exprs} (i.e. for each array) the value of the \code{\link[stats:ks.test]{ks.test}} test statistic between its distribution of intensities and the pooled distribution of intensities from all arrays. With \code{"sum"} and \code{"upperquartile"}, it computes the sum or the 75 percent quantile. Subsequently, it calls \code{boxplotOutliers} on these values to identify the outlying arrays. \code{boxplotOutliers} uses a criterion similar to that used in \code{\link[grDevices:boxplot.stats]{boxplot.stats}} to detect outliers in a set of real numbers. The main difference is that in \code{boxplotOutliers}, only the outliers to the right (i.e. extraordinarily large values) are detected. } \author{Wolfgang Huber}