\name{modulefunctions} \alias{aqm.boxplot} \alias{aqm.density} \alias{aqm.heatmap} \alias{aqm.pca} \alias{aqm.maplot} \alias{aqm.spatial} \alias{aqm.meansd} \alias{aqm.probesmap} % \alias{aqm.qcstats} \alias{aqm.pmmm} \alias{aqm.rnadeg} \alias{aqm.rle} \alias{aqm.nuse} \title{Functions for computing quality report modules.} \description{ These functions produce objects of class \code{\link{aqmReportModule}} representing the various modules of the quality report. Given a list of modules, the report is then rendered by the \code{\link{aqm.writereport}} function. } \usage{ aqm.boxplot(x, subsample=20000, outlierMethod = "KS") aqm.density(x) aqm.heatmap(x) aqm.pca(x) aqm.maplot(x, subsample=20000, Dthresh=0.15) aqm.spatial(x, scale="rank", channels = c("M", "R", "G")) aqm.meansd(x) aqm.probesmap(x) # Affymetrix specific sections % aqm.qcstats(expressionset) aqm.pmmm(x) aqm.rnadeg(expressionset, x) aqm.rle(x, outlierMethod = "KS") aqm.nuse(x, outlierMethod = "upperquartile") } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object resulting from a call to \code{\link{prepdata}(expressionset)}.} \item{expressionset}{An object of class \code{AffyBatch}.} \item{subsample}{For efficiency, some computations are performed not on the full set of features (which can be hundreds of thousands on some arrays), but on a randomly subset whose size is indicated by this number.} \item{outlierMethod}{As in \code{\link{outliers}}.} \item{Dthresh}{In \code{maplot}, the arrays with a Hoeffding D statistic larger than this value are called \emph{outliers}. See also \code{\link[Hmisc:hoeffd]{hoeffd}}.} \item{scale, channels}{In \code{aqm.spatial}, \code{scale} determines the choice of the false colour scale in the spatial plots. If the value is \code{"rank"}, then the colour is proportional to the ranks of the values; if it is \code{"direct"}, then it is proportional to the values themselves. \code{channels} determines for which elements of \code{x} spatial plots are made.} } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{aqmReportModule}}.} \details{ For a simple example of the \code{aqm.*} functions, have a look at the source code of the \code{aqm.pca} function. Please see also the vignette \emph{Advanced topics: Customizing arrayQualityMetrics reports and programmatic processing of the output}.} \author{Audrey Kauffmann, Wolfgang Huber}