\name{aqm.writereport} \alias{aqm.writereport} \title{Write a quality report} \description{ \code{aqm.writereport} produces a quality report (HTML document with figures) from a list of \code{\link{aqmReportModule}} objects.} \usage{aqm.writereport(modules, arrayTable, reporttitle, outdir)} \arguments{ \item{modules}{A list of \code{\link{aqmReportModule}} objects.} \item{arrayTable}{A data.frame with array (meta)data to be displayed in the report.} \item{reporttitle, outdir}{Report title and output directory - as in \code{\link{arrayQualityMetrics}}.} } \value{A side effect of this function is the creation of the HTML report.} \author{Audrey Kauffmann, Wolfgang Huber}