\name{find.params.pdnn} \alias{find.params.pdnn} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ A function to find the experiment specific PDNN parameters} \description{ A function to find the paramaters specific to the chips in an AffyBatch object. } \usage{ find.params.pdnn(abatch, params.chiptype, optim.method = "BFGS", verbose = TRUE, give.warnings=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{abatch}{ an instance of \code{\link[affy]{AffyBatch-class}}. } \item{params.chiptype}{ chip-type specific parameters (see details)} \item{optim.method}{method for the optimization function \code{\link{optim}}. When \code{FALSE}, a steepest-descent method of our own is used.} \item{verbose}{ verbosity (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}) } \item{give.warnings}{ report probeset IDs in the \code{abatch} that could not be found in the \code{params.chiptype}} } \details{ This function fits PDNN parameters that are specific to experimental values. The parameters common to all the chips of a certain type are returned by the function \code{\link{pdnn.params.chiptype}}. If \code{NULL}, the parameter files included in the package will be used whenever possible... } \value{ A list of \item{lambda}{The lambda's} \item{Bs}{The B's} \item{Ns}{The N's} \item{Fs}{The F's} } \references{ Li Zhang, Michael F. Miles and Kenneth D. Aldape - A model of molecular interactions on short oligonucleotide arrays, 2003, Nature Biotech., vol. 21, n.7 } \seealso{ \code{\link{pdnn.params.chiptype}}, \code{\link{generateExprVal.method.pdnn}}} \examples{ ## load a chip-specific parameter file ## (as returned by the function pdnn.params.chiptype) data(hgu95av2.pdnn.params) ## load experimental data library(affydata) data(Dilution) ## one CEL to go faster afbatch <- Dilution[, 1] params <- find.params.pdnn(afbatch, hgu95av2.pdnn.params, optim.method = FALSE, give.warnings=FALSE) } \keyword{ manip }