\name{mas5.assessment} \docType{data} \alias{mas5.assessment} \title{Example of the result of assessments} \description{ The Dilution and both (HGU95 and HGU133) types of Spike-in data were processed with Affymetrix MAS 5.0 software, yielding three "MAS 5.0" \link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}'s. (These are available, in csv-format, at \url{http://affycomp.jhsph.edu/AFFY2/rafa@jhu.edu/030424.1033/}.) Then various assessment functions from the affycomp package (most recently, version 1.28.0) were applied. \code{mas5.assessment} resulted from \code{\link[affycomp]{assessAll}} on Dilution and HGU95. See \link[affycompData]{mas5.assessment} in affycompData for results of other assessments. } \usage{data(mas5.assessment) } \format{A list of list.} \keyword{datasets}