\name{ilm-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{getIntens} \alias{getIntens-methods} \alias{getIntens,ILM-method} \alias{getIntens,ILM,missing-method} \alias{getIntens,ILM,character-method} \alias{getProbeConcs} \alias{getProbeConcs-methods} \alias{getProbeConcs,ILM-method} \alias{getProbeConcs,ILM,missing-method} \alias{getProbeConcs,ILM,character-method} \alias{getExprSummary} \alias{getExprSummary-methods} \alias{getExprSummary,ILM-method} \alias{getExprSummary,ILM,missing-method} \alias{getExprSummary,ILM,character-method} \alias{getSDSummary} \alias{getSDSummary-methods} \alias{getSDSummary,ILM-method} \alias{getSDSummary,ILM,missing-method} \alias{getSDSummary,ILM,character-method} \alias{[,ILM-method} \alias{show} \alias{show,ILM-method} \title{ Methods to access the results of ilm. } \description{ These methods allow to access the results of the function \code{\link[affyILM:ilm]{ilm}} stored in an object of type \code{\linkS4class{ILM}}. } \usage{ getIntens(object,y) getProbeConcs(object,y) getExprSummary(object,y,z) getSDSummary(object,y,z) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of type \code{\linkS4class{ILM}} } \item{y}{A character string or vector of probe set name(s)} \item{z}{A character string specifying the type of set that is requested} } \details{ \code{"getIntens()"} is used to access the intensity values. The probe concentrations are calculated on behalf of the Langmuir model. For each probe (of a probeset) the concentration is estimated in picoMolar and can be accessed via \code{"getProbeConcs()"}. Medianpolish, Transposed Medianpolish or Median can then be used to compute probeset summarized expression values. The results can be accessed via \code{"getExprSummary()"} and the associated standard deviation is accessed via \code{"getSDSummary()"}. z, if specified, can take two values : Probe.Set and Cluster.Set (the last one has been created for the definition of cluster sets in the last generation of arrays, whole-gene). If y=NULL, the results for all probe sets are shown. } \value{ A \code{"matrix"} An object of the class \code{\linkS4class{ILM}} when subsetting \code{"["} } \author{Myriam Kroll, Fabrice Berger and Enrico Carlon} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{ILM}}} \examples{ ## Locate and read in CEL-file path <- system.file("rawData", "FusionSDK_HG-Focus", "HG-Focus", "2.Calvin", package="AffymetrixDataTestFiles") file1 <- file.path(path,"HG-Focus-1-121502.CEL") ## Calculation of background estimates and expression values (concentrations) result <- ilm(file1) ## Background intensities of all probes getIntens(result) ## Background intensities for one or more probesets getIntens(result,"203561_at") getIntens(result,c("203561_at","40359_at")) ## Get concentrations of all probesets getProbeConcs(result) ## Get concentrations (in picoMolar) getProbeConcs(result,"203561_at") getProbeConcs(result,c("203561_at","40359_at")) ## Subsetting result["203561_at"] } \keyword{ methods }