\name{pmcorrect} \alias{pmcorrect} \alias{pmcorrect.pmonly} %took out .pmonly casue rma is pm-only \alias{pmcorrect.mas} \alias{pmcorrect.subtractmm} \title{PM Correction} \description{ Corrects the PM intensities in a \code{\link[affy:ProbeSet-class]{ProbeSet}} for non-specific binding. } \usage{ pmcorrect.pmonly(object) pmcorrect.subtractmm(object) pmcorrect.mas(object, contrast.tau=0.03, scale.tau=10, delta=2^(-20)) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{\link[affy:ProbeSet-class]{ProbeSet}}.} \item{contrast.tau}{a number denoting the contrast tau parameter in the MAS 5.0 pm correction algorithm.} \item{scale.tau}{a number denoting the scale tau parameter in the MAS 5.0 pm correction algorithm.} \item{delta}{a number denoting the delta parameter in the MAS 5.0 pm correction algorithm.} } \details{ These are the pm correction methods perfromed by Affymetrix MAS 4.0 (subtractmm) and MAS 5.0 (mas). See the Affymetrix Manual for details. pmonly does what you think: does not change the PM values.} \value{A \code{\link[affy:ProbeSet-class]{ProbeSet}} for which the \code{pm} slot contains the corrected PM values.} \references{Affymetrix MAS 4.0 and 5.0 manual} \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) gn <- geneNames(Dilution) pps <- probeset(Dilution, gn[1])[[1]] pps.pmonly <- pmcorrect.pmonly(pps) pps.subtractmm <- pmcorrect.subtractmm(pps) pps.mas5 <- pmcorrect.mas(pps) } } \keyword{manip}