\name{plotLocation} \alias{plotLocation} \title{Plot a location on a cel image} \description{ Plots a location on a previously plotted cel image. This can be used to locate the physical location of probes on the array. } \usage{ plotLocation(x, col="green", pch=22, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a `location'. It can be obtained by the method of \code{AffyBatch} \code{indexProbes}, or made elsewhere (basically a location is nrows and two columns array. The first column corresponds to the x positions and the second columns corresponds to the y positions of n elements to locate).} \item{col}{colors for the plot.} \item{pch}{plotting type (see function \code{plot}).} \item{\dots}{other parameters passed to the function \code{points}.} } \author{ Laurent } \seealso{ \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} } \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) ## image of the celfile image(Dilution[, 1]) ## genenames, arbitrarily pick the 101th n <- geneNames(Dilution)[101] ## get the location for the gene n l <- indexProbes(Dilution, "both", n)[[1]] ## convert the index to X/Y coordinates xy <- indices2xy(l, abatch=Dilution) ## plot plotLocation(xy) } } \keyword{aplot}