\name{normalize.invariantset} \alias{normalize.invariantset} \alias{normalize.AffyBatch.invariantset} \title{Invariant Set normalization} \description{ Normalize arrays in an \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} using an invariant set. } \usage{ normalize.AffyBatch.invariantset(abatch, prd.td = c(0.003, 0.007), verbose = FALSE, baseline.type = c("mean","median","pseudo-mean","pseudo-median"), type = c("separate","pmonly","mmonly","together")) normalize.invariantset(data, ref, prd.td=c(0.003,0.007)) } \arguments{ \item{abatch}{an \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} object.} \item{data}{a vector of intensities on a chip (to normalize to the reference).} \item{ref}{a vector of reference intensities.} \item{prd.td}{cutoff parameter (details in the bibliographic reference).} \item{baseline.type}{specifies how to determine the baseline array.} \item{type}{a string specifying how the normalization should be applied. See details for more.} \item{verbose}{logical indicating printing throughout the normalization.} } \value{ Respectively a \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} of normalized objects, or a vector of normalized intensities, with an attribute "invariant.set" holding the indexes of the 'invariant' intensities. } \details{ The set of invariant intensities between \code{data} and \code{ref} is found through an iterative process (based on the respective ranks the intensities). This set of intensities is used to generate a normalization curve by smoothing. The \code{type} argument should be one of \code{"separate","pmonly","mmonly","together"} which indicates whether to normalize only one probe type (PM,MM) or both together or separately. } \author{ L. Gautier (Thanks to Cheng Li for the discussions about the algorithm.) } \references{ Cheng Li and Wing Hung Wong, Model-based analysis of oligonucleotides arrays: model validation, design issues and standard error application. Genome Biology 2001, 2(8):research0032.1-0032.11 } \seealso{ \code{\link{normalize}} to normalize \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} objects. } \keyword{manip}