\name{xtable-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{xtable-methods} \alias{xtable,annotationTable,missing,missing,missing,missing,missing-method} \alias{xtable,annotationTable,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{xtable,annotationTable,ANY,ANY,ANY,numeric,ANY-method} \alias{xtable.topTableGlmnet} \alias{xtable.topTableLognet} \alias{xtable.topTableElnet} \alias{xtable.pamClassConfusionTable} \alias{xtable.topTablePam} \title{Methods for Function xtable in Package `annotationTable'} \description{ \code{xtable} methods for several a4 objects, such as \code{annotationTable} objects, \code{topTable} objects etc. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "annotationTable", caption = "missing", label = "missing", align = "missing", digits = "missing", display = "missing"}{generates a LaTeX representation for the given annotationTable} \item{x = "annotationTable", caption = "ANY", label = "ANY", align = "ANY", digits = "ANY", display = "ANY"}{generates a LaTeX representation for the given annotationTable} \item{x = "annotationTable", caption = "ANY", label = "ANY", align = "ANY", digits = "numeric", display = "ANY"}{generates a LaTeX representation for the given annotationTable} }} \examples{ ## some dummy data dData <- data.frame(someSymbol = LETTERS[1:5], accessionNumber = c("X83928", "V00540", "U21090", "L38487", "M34057")) at <- annotationTable(displayData = dData, displayCols = list(accessionNumber = "EntrezId")) xat <- xtable(at) print(xat, include.rownames = FALSE) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip}