\name{spectralMap-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{spectralMap-methods} \alias{spectralMap,ExpressionSet,character-method} \title{Methods for Function spectralMap} \description{ Methods for spectralMap } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ ExpressionSet,character \item{object = "ExpressionSet", groups = "character", makeLognormal = "logical", plot.mpm.args = "list", probe2gene = "logical"}{wrapper around \code{plot.mpm} from the \code{mpm} package} }} \arguments{ \item{makeLognormal}{boolean indicating whether one wants to exponentiate the data to make them lognormally shaped (\code{TRUE}; the default) or not (\code{FALSE})} \item{mpm.args}{list of arguments that can be passed to the \code{mpm} function} \item{plot.mpm.args}{list of arguments that can be passed to the \code{plot.mpm} function that actually draws the plot} \item{probe2gene}{boolean indicating whether one wants to display the gene symbols for the labeled points (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}; the default)} \item{addLegend}{Boolean indicating whether a legend for the colors of the dots should be added.} \item{legendPos}{Specify where the legend should be placed. Typically either \code{topright}, \code{bottomright}, \code{topleft} (the default) or \code{bottomleft}} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}