\name{ExpressionSetList-methods} %\docType{methods} \alias{ExpressionSetList-methods} %\alias{[,ExpressionSetList-method} %\alias{coerce,list,ExpressionSetList-method} %\alias{dim,ExpressionSetList-method} %\alias{lapply,ExpressionSetList-method} \alias{phenotype} \title{Methods for ExpressionSetList} \description{ Methods for objects of class \code{ExpressionSetList}. } \usage{ phenotype(object, varLabel) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ A \code{ExpressionSetList}.} \item{varLabel}{\code{character}. Name of the clinical variable.} } \value{ \code{phenotype} returns a matrix of the clinical variable where each column is a study. We require that the clinical variable have the same name in each study (each element of the \code{ExpressionSetList} object) and that the clinical variable is binary with values 1 or 0. } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip}