\name{VegaMC-package} \alias{VegaMC-package} \alias{VegaMC} \docType{package} \title{ VegaMC: A Package Implementing a Variational Piecewise Smooth Model for Identification of Driver Chromosomal Imbalances in Cancer. } \description{ VegaMC enables the detection of driver chromosomal imbalances (deletions, amplifications and loss of heterozygosities (LOHs)) from array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) data. VegaMC performs a joint segmentation of aCGH data. Segmented regions are then used into a statistical framework to distinguish between driver and passenger mutations. In this way, significant imbalances can be detected by the associated p-value. VegaMC has been implemented to be easily integrated with the output produced by PennCNV. VegaMC produces in output two web pages allowing a rapid navigation between both detected regions and altered genes. In the web page summarizing the altered genes, the user finds the link to the respective Ensembl gene web page. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab VegaMC\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0.0\cr License: \tab GPL-2\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } } \examples{ ## Copy the example dataset in current folder file.copy(system.file("example/breast_Affy500K.txt", package="VegaMC"), ".") ## Analyse data and save results in sorted.txt file results <- vegaMC("breast_Affy500K.txt", "results", html=FALSE, getGenes=FALSE) }