\name{vega} \alias{vega} \title{This function computes, saves and returns the copy number segmentation on the aCGH data passed as argument.} \description{ This function computes the segmentation of the copy number data passed as argument. 'vega' function returns the computed segmentation and save it as a tab delimited file. Users need just to use this function. } \usage{ vega(CNVdata, chromosomes, out_file_name = "", beta = 0.5, min_region_size = 2) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{CNVdata}{This argument is matrix containing the data that have to be analyzed. This matrix must have 4 columns:\cr - the first row indicates the chromosome;\cr - the second row indicates the start bp of the probe;\cr - the third row indicates the end bp of the probe;\cr - the fourth row reports the measured Log R Ratio;\cr } \item{chromosomes}{This is a vector containing the chromosome sthat have to be analyzed. By using c(1:22, "X", "Y") the whole genome will be segmented. } \item{out_file_name}{This is the file name used to save the computed segmentation.} \item{beta}{This argument is used for the stop condition definition.} \item{min_region_size}{This argument specifies the minimum size for the segmented regions.} } \value{ \item{segmentation}{This is a data frame containing the computed segmentation.} } \references{ Morganella S. et al. (2010). VEGA: Variational segmentation for copy number detection, Bioinformatics.} \author{Sandro Morganella, Luigi Cerulo, Giuseppe Viglietto, Michele Ceccarelli Maintainer: Sandro Morganella } \examples{ # Load tha data for Granta-519 Cell Line data(G519); # Start Vega segmentation on all chromosomes of G519 data v <- vega(CNVdata=G519, chromosomes=c(1:22, "X", "Y"), beta=0.5, min_region_size=2); # Start Vega segmentation on chromosomes 8 of G519 data and save the results in G519_segmentation_chr8.txt tab delimited file v <- vega(CNVdata=G519, chromosomes=c(8), out_file_name="G519_segmentation_chr8.txt", beta=0.5, min_region_size=2); }