\name{pspline} \alias{pspline} \title{Function for two-colour microarray data normalization using the P-splines} \description{Wrapper function for two colour microarray data normalization using the P-spline smoother suitable for a RGList- or MarrayRaw-objects.} \usage{ pspline(object, background = c("none", "substract"), weights = NULL, nintervals = 100, subset=NULL, showArrays = 0, verbose=FALSE, line.col=2, line.lty=1, line.lwd=2, ...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{either a RGList or an MarrayRaw-object.} \item{background}{for background substraction use 'substract'. Default is no backgroud substraction.} \item{weights}{vector of weights that will be used a for a weighted normalization. The default \code{NULL} assumse equal weight \code{1} for all data points.} \item{nintervals}{number of bins in which the data will be divided. The default is 100 bins.} \item{showArrays}{either a integer( > 0) or a vector of integers indicating the arrays for which a MA-plot will be produced.} \item{subset}{subset of the data on which the normalization will be based. A special case of weighted normalization.} \item{verbose}{if \code{TRUE} gives additional information on the fit}. \item{line.col, line.lty, line.lwd}{line colour, type and width that will be used in the plots, defaults are col=2, lty=1 and lwd=2.} \item{\dots}{additional graphical arguments for plotting.} } \details{if necessary?} \value{ The value that will be returned is either a MAList or MarrayNorm-object dependening on the input type. } \references{ Paul .H.C. Eilers and Brain D. Marx (1996). Flexible smoothing with B-splines and Penalties. Statistical Science, Vol 11, No. 2, 89-121. } \author{ Chantal van Leeuwen and Maarten van Iterson} \seealso{\code{\link[limma]{normalizeWithinArrays}, \link[marray]{maNormMain}}} \examples{ library(marray) data(swirl) x <- pspline(swirl, showArrays=2, pch=20, col="grey") x <- pspline(swirl, showArrays=2:4, line.col="green") } \keyword{smooth}