\name{peakCDFextraction} \alias{peakCDFextraction} \title{ NetCDF to R } \description{ This function reads a netcdf chromatogram file and returns a list containing the retention time and the intensity matrices. } \usage{ peakCDFextraction(cdfFile, massRange = c(85, 500)) } \arguments{ \item{cdfFile}{ A character string naming a netcdf file. } \item{massRange}{ A two component numeric vector with the scan mass range to extract. } } \details{ The function expects the following NetCDF variables: \code{intensity_values}, \code{mass_values}, \code{scan_index}, \code{point_count} and \code{scan_acquisition_time}. Otherwise, an error will be displayed.\cr The \code{massRange} parameter is a numeric vector with two components: lower and higher masses. All masses in that range will be extracted. Note that it is not possible to extract a discontinuous mass range. } \value{ A two component list. \item{Time}{The retention time vector.} \item{Peaks}{The intensity matrix. Rows are the retention times and columns are masses. The first column is the lower mass value and the last one is the higher mass. } } \author{Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza, Matthew Hannah, Henning Redestig } \note{ This function does not look for peaks, just extracts all the raw intensity values of the chromatogram file. Use \code{\link{NetCDFPeakFinding}} instead. } \seealso{ \code{\link{NetCDFPeakFinding}} }