\name{text2bin} \alias{text2bin} \alias{bin2text} \title{Convert RI files from text to binary format and viceversa.} \description{ This function converts a list of RI files (peak list files) in text (binary) format to binary (text) format. } \usage{ text2bin(in.files, out.files=NULL, columns=c("SPECTRUM","RETENTION_TIME_INDEX","RETENTION_TIME")) bin2text(in.files, out.files=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{in.files}{A character string naming the input files. } \item{out.files}{A character string naming the output files. If \code{NULL}, the input file extensions will be changed accordingly ("txt" to "dat" and viceversa).} \item{columns}{A numeric vector with the positions of the columns \code{SPECTRUM}, \code{RETENTION_TIME_INDEX}, and \code{RETENTION_TIME} or a character vector with the header names of those columns. This parameter is required only for \code{text2bin}.} } \details{ The format of the input files is detected dinamically and error will be issued if it is incorrect. Note that the respective \code{\linkS4class{tsSample}} object may need to be updated by using the method \code{\link{fileFormat}}. } \value{ A character vector of the created files. } \author{Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza} \seealso{\code{\link{ImportSamples}}, \code{\linkS4class{tsSample}}, \code{\link{RIcorrect}}}